She is very old, full of dignity and works hard as a house keeper to earn her living. Everybody calls her “Amma” (mother).
I was busy taking Iram & Ayaz’s post wedding picture in Karachi last month when suddenly an old lady walked in. She had an amazing character in her face & seemed perfect model. I wanted a portrait but didn’t want to offend her. I started begging my wife Madiha to ask her instead and she did (Lucky me). I shot 3 frames and she didn’t move her face. I think this is going to be my favourite portrait. What do you think? What is the first thing that goes through your mind when you first look at it? What do you see in her eyes?
I was busy taking Iram & Ayaz’s post wedding picture in Karachi last month when suddenly an old lady walked in. She had an amazing character in her face & seemed perfect model. I wanted a portrait but didn’t want to offend her. I started begging my wife Madiha to ask her instead and she did (Lucky me). I shot 3 frames and she didn’t move her face. I think this is going to be my favourite portrait. What do you think? What is the first thing that goes through your mind when you first look at it? What do you see in her eyes?
Rauf .. this is a comment written by my mother ..
The Open Secret
The hardships of life, despite leaving its traces on the face of Amma, keeps her content with what life has offered her. Her eyes are the open secret of her contentment
This is my new favourite from all your collection.
A really touching portrait, Her face tells many stories, it's like every line has its own story. It really is an amazing, moving and beautiful photograph. It reminds me of my grandma :)
I think it would look equally as good in colour too.
Amazing!!! .... It would be unfair to even call this a photograph ... it is a capture of a life long story ... can't be described any other way!
They say that the human face is a reflection of the life you have lived - this is very evident is this amazing picture...every line that is etched on Amma's face tells the story of the life she has lived. And then her eyes are a different story, expressing experience, wisdom and patience...very well captured Rauf bhai:)
her eyes, here expression & her 1000 wrinkles say everything about her life & past.
What a portrait! Great job!
But DUDE! you or that amma jii should nt be credited for this!
Thanks to Bhabhi ;)
Great work!
"Photography becomes a passion
with desire to capture the perfect
Your passion is evident in this portrait..
You have a fine eye for detail and its clear for all to see that on Amma's face.
You certainly have captured the secret that her eyes tell...
Its truly very beautiful and outstanding ...!!
Lots of love..
This picture is one of your best work till now. Thanks for sharing!
and I agree with Madiha, photography is your passion.
Wow, I am so thankful to all of you for your wonderful feedback and the encouragement I always get.
Thank you very much!
Amma's face might show her age but her eyes show that she has still got the strength to face anything thats yet to come in her life.
All these stories on ammas face can be read thanks to your billiant photography and as saima said we'd love to see the coloured version too.
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