Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A photo session with Shayaan

Iqtidar, my photography enthusiast friend had booked me several weeks before his son Shayaan was born, to take some pictures for him. Our initial thought was to do it in the first week as a ‘new born shoot’, but then we decided to give it couple of months, to let the baby settle down a little. Finally we had some free time and decided to do it on fine sunny afternoon of 1st September 2007 at Iqtidar’s new house in Ilford, London. I took white cotton and a semi transparent silk sheet with me in case needed as a background or to cover any distractions. We arranged both sheets in the garden and let him play on it. Here is the result:
Save the slide show on your local computer and close all other applications. Turn the volume on and enjoy! :-)


Osxar said...

Brilliant mate.. Shayaan was brilliant...!! An other masterwork!! Congratulations

Anonymous said...

A lovely movie of a beutiful boy Shayaan made by a great photgrafer :) I get tears in my eyes watching it.

Anonymous said...

Wow..that was an amazing and touching experience:) Love the way the slide show progresses; from the first pictures where you cant see Shayaan's face to slowly seeing more and more of his beautiful and expressive face:) Really nice capturing of details as well...the feet and the eyes...just a delight to watch.

Unknown said...

Thank you is probably the least we can say to Rauf, who travelled all the way from the other side of London to fulfill a promise.He is not only a great photographer but a very decent guy too.Always encourages me to learn photogrphy.
Abt 'SHAYAAN',it was all his idea,he knew exactly what he was doing ,although when he was taking photos against all our curiousity,we did not see a single shot he had taken,coz we knew that final product which Rauf will deliver would be something amazing and we were not disappointed at all.
Best whishes
Shayaan's Parents

Anonymous said...

A very special Thank you from Shayaan's Grandparents too, who haven't met Shayaan in the real life as yet,but they can't stop watching and loving the slideshow of their grand son.
Thanks Rauf

Anonymous said... was really fantastic to see shayaan coz i have longed to see him since his birth,in real life.he is sooooooooooo shweeeeeeeet that i really love was really a great was mind blowing.hope to see shayaan in pakistan soon.

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful movie, really nicely put together. I love the black and white and soft focus effects & Shayaan is such a cute baby!

Umair said...
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Umair said...

Simply Marvelous ... Tremendous capturing of emotions ......

Can I book you in advance also for capturing such a gr8 peice of art :)

Rauf Niaz said...

Thank you very much everyone for your wonderful feedback. It is much appreciated.

Yes, Umair, for sure... But you have to get married first :P

Anonymous said...

After watching it, i just couldnt think of anything else but that, Angels really do exist in this world don’t they. Congratulations Iqtidar, masallah Shayaan is cute and loveable.
Rauf your creativity has impressed us all, u really have taken your passion to the upper level now, it shows its own class, welldone mate.
So,.... u ready for the best Oct of ur life?....:)

Unknown said...

The master does it again ;)
Everything about it was perfect from the music to each picture, setting etc, Loved it, very unique
Look forward to more movies soon
Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

gr8 job :-)

Anonymous said...

Ciao Raufino,

Wow, I loved it. Wonderful addition to your portfolio. Excellent work especially how you managed to get studio like pictures with white sheets in the back garden. Soft fill light and B&Ws are perfect. Shayaan indeed is a very cute boy. Well done my friend!

p.s. I did not see your work on your favourite subject "autumn" this year? :P
p.s: I think I am getting funnier day by day :P