Iqtidar, my photography enthusiast friend had booked me several weeks before his son Shayaan was born, to take some pictures for him. Our initial thought was to do it in the first week as a ‘new born shoot’, but then we decided to give it couple of months, to let the baby settle down a little. Finally we had some free time and decided to do it on fine sunny afternoon of 1st September 2007 at Iqtidar’s new house in Ilford, London. I took white cotton and a semi transparent silk sheet with me in case needed as a background or to cover any distractions. We arranged both sheets in the garden and let him play on it. Here is the result:
Save the slide show on your local computer and close all other applications. Turn the volume on and enjoy! :-)
Save the slide show on your local computer and close all other applications. Turn the volume on and enjoy! :-)